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Inertia = No Development Plan

Inertia = No Development Plan

Raising significant money does not happen without a plan. Sorry! That’s just not the way it works.

Is it difficult to create a plan? Not really. It’s hard work, but not necessarily difficult.

Here are 4 steps for creating a development plan to improve your fundraising :

1. Create a Baseline – What did you do last year to raise money?

  • Grants – how many were sent out and how many did you get?

  • Events – how many did you have? What was the cost?How much was raised? How much time and effort were involved?

  • Mailings- How many mailings (both direct mail and email) did you send? How many were on the lists? How many responses (from each mailing)? Average gift?

  • Asks – How many individual solicitations were made?

2. Set-up Goals – Ask the following:

  • How much do you want to raise? What are your goals and what steps do you need to take to achieve them?

  • What is the difference between what is currently being raised and how much you want to bring in?

  • What are the resources needed to raise that much?

3. Figure Out What Needs Changing – What’s worked?

  • Will you continue to put on the same events?

  • Are there new foundations you can apply to?

  • Can you come up with new cultivation activities?

  • How many individuals can you solicit?

  • Is there a new or different way you can work with your board members to influence them to share their contacts with you?

  • Will you provide them with a board retreat and development training?

4. Write the Plan Down – Write down your goals and whatever steps are necessary to achieve them? Who will be responsible for each step (a budget and a timeline, for example).

Creating a development plan that works is crucial and challenging. It’s also worth doing right. The difference between a poor development plan can mean thousands of dollars to your organization.

If you need help creating one, please let me know.

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