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A Story to Give to

We talk a lot about stories and how important they are in moving people to support non-profit causes. Today, I thought I would use this blog to give an example of a story that produced really good results for the social service organization we worked with for this fall’s appeal.

Here it is:

First of all, thank you so much for your most recent gift of xxxx to Educational Foundation of the Upshore District.* I’d like to tell you about someone you personally helped.

Sanghat* needed some help. Lots of help, actually.

Not only was Sanghat intelligent, he was industrious. His grades were fairly good but slipping. Some days he’d nod off in class. Usually soft-spoken and humorous, he was now often agitated and kept to himself.

The school counselor knew the warning signs. She knows all too well about the poverty 15 of every 20 students at her school deal with day in and day out.

It was clear to the counselor that Sanghat was in need of help. The counselor decided to take matters into her own hands and visit Sanghat’s home. The small apartment was quite a mess. 13 year-old Sanghat was doing all he could to take care of his 2 younger brothers and a sick father, but there was very little food left and garbage strewn about the place.

When the boy first saw his counselor he was plainly embarrassed, but then started to cry as he said, “I don’t think I can do this any more.”

With his father, the sole supporter of the family of 4 too sick to work, there was no money coming in.

This, sad to say, is not uncommon. Like many other families new to Illinois (and the U.S.), the father had no idea that help was available. And poor Sanghat. It was taking all he had in him to get his little brothers up and ready for school, find food, and read bedtime stories.

The school counselor immediately contacted the Educational Foundation of the Upshore District,* and put a plan in place to give this family some assistance.

But it was your donations that put food in their kitchen cabinets and clothes on their back. Your caring showed Sanghat that he’s not alone. Knowing that the basics of food and clothing were being taken care of, provided this young man with an overwhelming sense of calm.

Today, Sanghat is attending classes regularly again. In fact, he’s mentioned that he might like to be a counselor one day. His smile has returned; he even laughs now and again. Without donors like you, none of this would happen.

P.S. Without your support we would not be able to step in to situations like the one described above. You are the reason people like Sanghat become successes. Please consider helping us again this season with a gift of XXXXXXXX. I personally want to thank you very much for your support.

*The name of the young boy and the name of the educational district have been changed for sake of anonymity.

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