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5 Ways to Make Sure That Your Capital Campaign Is Successful

Get the basics right when planning your capital campaign


  1. Start talking as early as possible. Donors should be approached early on in the planning stage.

  2. You don’t need a fancy brochure right away. You won’t need it for a few months at least.

  3. Figure out who your strongest prospects are. Make a list of those people who have the financial resources and already know and love you. They’re the ones who will determine the success of your campaign.

  4. Ask and repeat…ask and repeat. Asking enough people enough times that you hear “no” quite a bit makes it hard for them to say ‘No” when you go back to them and ask for something else. It turns out that saying “no” is often the prelude to “yes.”

  5. The top 10 are the focus. Remember that about half of your entire campaign will come from 10 donors. Focus your attention there! Those are the folks with the money.


Any questions? Leave a comment or send me an email. I’m happy to offer advice.

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