It’s that time of year when it’s safe to make certain “educated guesses” or assumptions about your fundraising in 2025 based on past experiences:
An educated guess tells us that donors could be giving you more.
An educated guess tells us that not every donor opens up every piece of communication you send them.
An educated guess tells us that the communications you send your donors don’t always align perfectly with when your donors feel like supporting you.
An educated guess tells us that your donors are mature enough to handle a little more fundraising communication from you.
All of the above are seemingly reasonable educated guesses, wouldn’t you agree?
If you agree all are reasonable, what is your plan to take advantage of this knowledge?
If you’re as sharp as we think you are, the answer is simple—send more fundraising communications in 2025 and you’ll raise more money!
Happy Holidays and a Wonderful New Year from the Rescigno’s team.