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Still a Workhorse—Direct Mail Fundraising

Did you know that individual Americans give over $100 billion each year to charities? It’s true. Many people write checks for $10 or $20. Seemingly an insignificant amount to donors who make contributions of thousands and thousands of dollars yearly.

Even such vastly different donor “types” have something in common though: almost without question, each one’s first gift was in response to a letter received in their mailboxes asking for financial support.

For most who donate to charities, even those who become large donors at some point in time, that first letter was their entrée into charitable giving.

Isn’t it amazing how letters on paper have the ability to transform strangers into loyal friends whose generous support sustains causes such as yours for years and years?

That, my friends, is what direct mail is still all about!

Nothing, not Giving Tuesday, not stand-alone email campaigns, and not “text-to-give,” can, by themselves, do for your program what direct mail can on a regular basis.

Think of it as you would a wheel on a bicycle with each of the wire rods connecting the center of the wheel to its outer edge. That center is direct mail. The rods are the aforementioned sections that augment or support your direct mail letter.

Believe it or not, Spring Appeal season is almost here. If you’d like to talk about your next appeal, contact Ron at 708-974-2600, 105 or email him at

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