Since 2007, there has been a 9900% increase in visualized information on the Internet (NeoMan Studios, 2013).
As a nation, we have become more and more accustomed to and dependent upon taking in and understanding large quantities of information. Your donors and prospects have an expectation that you will provide them with data (newsletters, annual reports, for example) that they can easily digest.
From a development officer’s perspective, there must be caution used to make sure you don’t overwhelm your audience with too much information or statistics and facts which are not readily processed. If you do, you risk alienation and frustration.
Infographics allow you to communicate more effectively with your audiences by depending upon what are known as naturally occurring tendencies in the brain to tap into instinctive ways we have for evaluating information.
In other words, through good infographics you have the ability to more effectively allow your audience to use tools to elevate you success. Here are 3 ways you can integrate infographics in your communication touches?
Return on investment graphics;
number of constituents served in gift impact reports;
growth charts in annual reports.
If you’re looking for ways to thank donors and make sure that they (and prospects) remain engaged in your mission, here are some suggestions:
Use language that is clear and to the point;
Humanize finances into real-life examples;
Educate your constituents on new initiatives;
Make the reader want to know more.
Are you having success with infographics? Please share with us here.