Many non-profit organizations rely on some type of donor database to assist with their fundraising campaigns and donor communication tasks. For many, this database is one of the most valuable assets your organization may have.
Your donors are critical to the operation and survival of your organization and it’s important that you have an efficient way to record their information so you can easily communicate with them.
Your donor database may also contain wealth details that can offer useful insights into each donor and the issues that are most relevant to them. This includes:
donation history,
engagement activities,
when they interacted with you,
volunteer efforts, and
specific causes or projects they tend to support.
All of this can be a valuable resource in helping you plan your upcoming fundraising strategies and decide how best to tailor your message about these campaigns to those particular donors.
Just remember, however, that your donor database is only going to be as good as the data you put into it. If you don’t make a point of ensuring your database information is correct, you will find yourself wasting a lot of time. Messages will bounce back, or worse, they’ll disappear without any indication that they never reached their intended recipient.
In addition to being inefficient, this can lead to costly delays in getting your messages to their intended recipients-resulting in donations proceeding much more slowly or not coming in at all.
Can you share an example with us of how an inefficient database cost you revenue?