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Newsletters & Opportunities

Opportunities in your newsletters give your donors new and interesting things to do. Some call them offers but I sense a different tone to that word. Opportunities seems more pro-active, especially in newsletters.

Opportunities to discover, for example, what it’s like to be really hungry. Give your constituents the opportunity to sign up for a Hunger Day Experience.

Opportunities to grow: “You can be the change agent in a young person’s life.”

Opportunities to contribute in a new way: “join us in this special campaign to…”

Other opportunities to get involved:

  • “Sign up to stay current with our FREE…”

  • “You’re invited” to a special celebration/presentation/behind the scenes tour

  • Take advantage of our special discount, but you have to “act now”

  • Special previews for members only

  • In an email: “View our wonderful, new video.”

  • To promote planned giving: “Get your free, informative brochure about charitable bequests…and see how endowed funds can perpetuate your values forever.”

  • “When you become a monthly donor you’ll receive.”

  • Exclusive CEO updates

  • Invitations to join exclusive societies

And please don’t bury your opportunity at the end of an article (that few people may actually read to conclusion). Instead, treat every offer like an advertisement. Make them easy to recognize and attractive to the eye.

Finally, I can think of 3 reasons donor newsletters should include opportunities in every issue:

  1. They help to strengthen the bond with those donors who are your strongest advocates and might want to become more involved .

  2. They create a way for donors to tell you how much they like you.

  3. Opportunities can greatly increase your revenue (yes, I’m suggesting you ask for a gift in your newsletter).

Please tell us about your newsletter. Do you include opportunities to give?

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